1. Configure 443 port and do no include port no in url 2. Deploy BDE TextByNumber and update value of key TextByNumber. 3. update ImageFolderPath100,VideoFolderPath100,OtherFolderPath100,SignOffFolderPath100,OriginalFolderPath100,TravelPath100,StagingFolderPath,DBLogPath using ViewManageSetup.aspx. 4. update all connectionstring with encrypted values. 5. Connect xApps local database with sa user which is having SQL server Agent rights. Open 2. JobsDBScript.sql file and search with @database_name update database name from eServiceTech_Proxima_5.1 to eSeviceTech live database name. (e.q eServiceTech_Live) change it at two places. And replace 'eServiceTech_NLog' database Name to eServiceTech live Nlog database name. Execute JobsDBScript.sql file. Mobile --> Mobile builds: IOS:5.1.0054 Android:5.1.0077 iOS bundle id: com.eemphasys.luby.eservicetech e Service URL : "https://les-eapps.eetcld.com/eServiceTechService/" Update .Plist file with proper URL and build no. Update Index.html file with proper URL and build no. pls send proper service url in mails.