Application Setting

The 'Application Setting' page appears in the Admin section of the escheduler Application.
This page assist the admin to configure the application settings that are categorized into four category.
This four categories are as below:
1. User Setting -
Here the admin user can map the "Extend" application user and company.
Incase if the user is associated with multiple companies, admin must input the company names
as comma separated with default company appearing at the beginning.
This section also provide facility to allow "Active directory" Integration with the application.
Using this integration users can use the same domain/network credentials to log into the
eScheduler application. Admin user needs to provide valid domain name for using this facility.

User Setting Screenshot

2. Email Setting -
The eScheduler users email as a method to notify users during events like user creation,
resetting user password, allocation/deallocation of work order to mechanic etc..
Sending email needs a valid SMTP server to be specified in this section. Admin must specify the
SMTP Server name with user credentials to send mails if required.*

Email Setting Screenshot

3. Scheduler Setting -
This section allow user to customize some of the features of the Scheduler.
This section allows admin to:
a. Select notification method when Work Order gets assigned to Mechanic. The notification
may can be via email, sms, 'email & sms both' or none.
b. Allow/Disallow validation of Mechanic skillset against skills specified in the Work Order.
c. Select a field to be displayed as Work Order title and tooltip. Admin can opt between
Customer name or combination of Service Order number and Segment Number.
d. Similarly admin can configure the tooltip text for the work order by choosing either
Customer name or combination of Service Order number and Segment Number.

Scheduler Setting Screenshot

4. Email Templates -
When a Work Order is assigned to a mechanic emails is sent to mechanic depending on the
configuration set in point 3(a). In case if the notification is by email then admin can edit the
allocation and deallocation email default template provided with the application.
User can customize the html as per his choice without modifying variables enclosed in '<%'
and '%>' tag.

Scheduler Setting Screenshot

* some SMTP Server need user credentials to allow sending mails through other applications. This user credential can be any email id of the same domain. User may opt to create a new Email Account for sending email through other application.