Work Order Details

If a user wish to view the Details of the Work order he can view it by clicking the '>' in front of each work order name in the left pane grid.
A menu come with following options,
1. Details - this displays the details of the work order.

Work Order details snapshot

2. Parts - Here a list of parts associated with the work order are displayed.

Work Order Parts snapshot

3. Assignments - This list displays the list of technician worked on it with start and end time.
Work Order Assignment snapshot

4. Skills - This option displays the Skills that are defined in the work order along with the skills that come under the job code.
Work Order Skill snapshot

5. Suitable Mechanic(s) -This feature helps the user to highlight most suitable technician for selected work order depending on the skills defined in work order segment against that of mechanic.
Suitable Mechanic snapshot