Allocation Views

Allocation Views:
The eScheduler application provides different work allocation view to user.
Following are the details of each view:

1. Weekly Allocation View :
This is the main view of the application as Work Order Allocation is done using this view.
The view display the allocation details for selected week for all the employees in the selected Service center.
Each day is further divided into 24 blocks representing each hour of the day.
As per the work allocation time the corresponding blocks are displayed in different color.

Following figure displays the weekly allocation view

2. Daily Allocation View :
In case if the user wish to view the work allocation for a single day this option helps him to achieve his goal. The Daily Allocation view displays the allocation view for selected day for all the technicians. User can navigate to this page by clicking the day in the header of Weekly Allocation View.

Following figure displays the daily allocation view

3. Monthly Allocation View :
The Monthly Allocation View displays the allocation of work order for particular month for selected Technician. User may view the Work Order details by clicking the work order.

Following figure displays the monthly allocation view